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- Technical Support
Computer Virus Updates
- What is POP3 email account?
- What is the difference between web-based and POP3 email?
- Can POP3 email be retrieved on web-based email account?
- Can web-based email [Hotmail] be retrieved on
external programs [Outlook Express] together with other POP3 email accounts?
- Instructions
- Block sender in Outlook Express 5.0
- Remove blocked sender in Outlook Express 5.0
- Installation of POP3 email account in Outlook Express 5.0
- Installation of POP3 email account in
HKIMLS Members' Login
This section is exclusive for members of Hong Kong Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences Ltd. and requires a password to access. For security reasons, the
system will log you off automatically when you have left the HKIMLS Members'
Communication unattended for more than 20 minutes.
